Foundation Books:
I Beat Prostate Cancer - Without Surgery, Radiation or Chemotherapy
Restoring America's Health: Simple Steps to a Plant-Based Lifestyle – Nancy A. Stein
Plant Based for Seniors – Skip & Nancy Stein
Collected Essays of a Cancer Survivor: A Nutritional Holistic Survivor's Story - Skip Stein
The China Study – T. Colin Campbell
The Starch Solution – Dr. John McDougall
How Not to Die – Dr. Michael Greger
Extraordinary Healing - The Amazing Power of Your Body's Secret Healling System
Chris Beat Cancer - Chris Wark
DVD Reference:
Forks Over Knives – T. Colin Campbell
The Gerson Miracle – Charlotte Gerson
Starter Cook Books:
1000 Vegan Recipes – Robin Robertson
Chloe’s Kitchen – Chloe Coscarelli
Vegan Instant Pot – Coco Morante
Chef Nancy’s Pinterest Site (hundreds of recipes)
Web Sites:
Skip Stein Personal Site References
Nutritional Holistic Cancer Survivor
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
I have recently discovered 'Rebounding' which is just bouncing on a sort of 'mini-trampoline'. Fun and you only need to do it for 10 or 15 minutes/Day. You can do more and one site suggested a 2 minute short session just after you get up; before that first cup of coffee to sort of get the lymph system going. Been doing that and it is a great way to start your day! More here!